What is Kro up to right now?
What’s Kro getting up to?
Building blocks & the equinox
I took that photo last August in Greece; the winter solstice in December was the longest night of the year. And now on March 20th, we’ll have the spring equinox. Latin “equi” (equal), and “nox” (night)—the day and night will be of equal length. And I’m feeling introspective.
If you could ask me ANY question about my poetic work, my hobbies, or my personal life, what would it be?
I often forget how miraculous and mysterious my daily life can be to the outside viewer. I’m the first and only typewriter poet many people ever met. I am curious about your curiosity. And on Tuesday, March 18th I’ll be doing a lil’ live stream at 5pm where I answer all of those questions in one neat little place!
So, respond to this email if you’ve ever wanted to ask me about
How many typewriters I have
My quest to Greece to find the Poetry Box
What projects I’m working on
My pilgrimage to a mountaintop Buddhist monastery in Japan, and the 200 haikus I wrote along the way
Stories from being an improv poet full-time for 5 years
Anything else you can think of
I look forward to hearing from you ;)
News and updates
I’m getting up to a bunch of shenanigans this March! As we enter my final quarter before graduation, I’m taking a Travel Writing class. I’m looking forward to inking down essays about my journey to Greece to find the Poetry Box—as well as my Buddhist pilgrimage to Japan, and the 200 haikus I wrote along the way. In short, I’m looking forward to more writing. Come find me at one of my appearances below!
WNDR Museum Poetry Residency, March 7, 2025 (12-6pm)
WNDR Museum Poetry Residency, March 8, 2025 (12-6pm)
Private Event at The Museum of Science and Industry, March 6, 2025 (2-4pm)
Instagram Livestream on Tuesday, March 18th (5-7pm CST). Tune in here!
Your next event! Book me here
What’s Kro working on?
I’m refining a small collection of four lyric essays about loneliness, through the lens of the four species of herons resident to the Chicago urban area. I’ve been volunteering with the Urban Rivers Collective down by the Wild Mile, monitoring bird populations. Basically birdwatching, but with the addition of a citizen science spreadsheet. And the more I think about our resident herons (green, black-crowned, great-blue, and egret), the more I want to write about them. I’m still playing around with names, but I like Birding While Gay: Ardeidae for now.
What’s Kro reading?
I’m currently working my way through a mind-bending science fiction novel about an alien planet that is the homeworld to sentient plants. Learning to think about sentience from other perspectives is a good stretch for the brain. In the series, the plant is one of the main characters. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to be a plant. Sue Burke has thoroughly fleshed out that imagination on my behalf. So if you’ve ever wanted to step into plant perspective—give it a read.